Wednesday 12 October 2016

25 Reasons Why You Should Join UAC

25 Reasons Why You Should Join UAC


1. What is the meaning of U.A.C?

Answer: United Aladura Churches

2. When was it found?

Answer: November 2004

3. Has it any aim?

Answer: Yes

4. What is the Aim?

Answer: UAC is to bring all white garment Organizations under one umbrella, so that they can speak with one voice.

5. Why was it necessary?

Answer: It becomes necessary, so that members could relate with each other.

6. What other things do you have?

Answer: The Organization has visions, missions and value statement.

7. Could you explain them to me?


VISION: To encourage growth, purity, identity and unity of the white garment churches.

MISSION: To facilitate and build the capacity of member churches towards living and sustaining Christian life-style, thus upholding the status of white garments or Aladura churches.

VALUE STATEMENT: To promote visible unification of white garments or Aladura churches, transparency of actions, accountability and open-mindedness, culminating into living exemplary live.

8. Who are the members?

Answer: All white garment Churches/Organizations are expected to be members.

9. I would need further clarification on this.

As I said, it is founded for all white garment churches and the founding members are classed into four (4) groups:

i.                     Cherubim and Seraphim Organizations

ii.                    The Church of the Lord Aladura Worldwide.

iii.                  Celestial Churches of Christ.

iv.                   The Independents now (Fellowship of Christ Disciples Ministry)

10. Explain each of the components groups

i.                     Cherubim and Seraphim organization was founded by a Patriarch, Saint Moses Orimolade.

ii.                    The Church of the Lord Aladura was founded by a Patriarch, Saint Oshitelu.

iii.                  Celestial Church of Christ organization was also founded by a Patriarch, Saint Pastor S.B.J. Oshoffa.

iv.                   The Independents; now (Fellowship of Christ Disciples Ministry) these are churches founded by other Patriarchs called at different time.

11. Of what value is UAC then to the Christendom?

Answer: it is a platform where all white garment churches could talk with a voice and still (each denomination) maintain its independence.

12. To what extent is it?

Answer: To the extent of having a voice in the governance of our country.

13. Is it registered?

Answer: Yes?

14. Is it International?

Answer: Yes, it is founded to have all the white garments all over the world in its fold. Presently, it is in United Kingdom and would soon be in America.

15. What benefit can one gain by joining it?

Answer: There are lots to gain, check on the Vision, Mission and value statements.

16. Any similarity to OAIC?

Answer: No.

17. If no, what if the difference?

Answer: OAIC is an Organization of African Instituted Churches; it is not a white garment organization only.

18. What benefit can one gain by joining?

Answer: The benefits are numerous.

19. Is it similar to Unification?

Answer: No, it is not.

20. If no, what is the difference?

Answer: the difference is that, Unification is for Cherubim and Seraphim that is an integral part of UAC.
21. Can anyone join OAIC and UAC?

Answer: Yes, you can, each one has different mission and functions.

22. Can anyone join UAC and still be a member of Unification?

Answer: Yes, it is possible; you are still on the right part.

23. Is it bigger than CAN – Christian Association of Nigeria?

Answer: No, United Aladura Churches is not bigger or in competition with Christian Association of Nigeria.

24. Then what is the relationship?

Answer: From the name CAN, you can see that all Christian Organizations in the country are expected to join it. For it is the voice of all Christians, be Catholic, Pentecostal, Orthodox, ECWA, OAIC, UAC inclusive.

25. What are the functions of United Aladura Churches?

Answer: The functions are as follows:-

a.        To act as a forum, at which the member churches can consult together, interact with one another and speak with one voice on issues or matters relating to UAC and one that is affecting the Christendom generally.

b.        To promote decency of the white garments or Aladura identity, especially among the youths and promote as well Christ like actions.

c.        To generally perform such other functions and still enable it to achieve its visions, missions and value statements.

d.        To do Revivals and Crusades.

e.        To also be involved in Socio-Welfare of its members by providing Schools, Spiritual/Scientific Hospital and Universities.

f.         To help the needy by awarding scholarships to students of the organization,

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